Dear friends,
First, I must apology for my ignorance of Russian language. I can read it and I understand Russian to some point, but I cannot write. Therefore, I must communicate with you all in English

Secondly, I am looking for fellow history teachers who teach, for example, in Russian schools 5th or 6th grade or else. I would like to discuss some issues concerning place of General History in Russian history textbooks, official teaching plans and so on. So, please give me a hand

Thirdly, currently I am interested in finding all the history textbooks (учебники) used in Russian schools in 6th Grade online (since I am not in position to buy it). As far as I am informed, there are for example, seven textbooks for General Medieval history (Byzantium, Franks, Rise of Islam, Crusades etc.) for 6th Grade students. I must say that I am already familiar with some titles and authors.
Is there any official list of approved textbooks ? For example, here in Serbia you can find list of every possible textbook, workbook and so on on the official site of Serbian Ministry of Education.
Finally, I would like to write in my native country of Serbia series of papers on History as teaching subject in Russia, especially how some facts and events from Serbian (or Balkan history i.e. Ottoman reign etc.) are represented in Russian history textbooks.
I would be very grateful for every form of helpful comments, directions, mails

On the other hand, if you are interested in Serbian history, especially medieval, I would be glad to help.
Thanks in advance. Спасиба. Хвала.