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Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America (Прочитано 15397 раз)
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Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
14.06.2013 :: 16:40:43
Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
“The Colors of Latin America: Preserving Traditional Arts & Heritage in a Multicultural World”
(Berlin; August 14th - 16th, 2013)

The countries of Latin America play host to a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Iberian colonization of large parts of the South American continent in the 16th century led to the introduction of French, Spanish, and Portuguese culture in the region, and this mélange, (strengthened even further by the cultural remnants of pre-Columbian civilizations, the influx of European immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the introduction of Africans to the continent), has led to the development of one of the most clear-cut examples of a cultural melting pot in current existence. This is not to say, however, that the “cultures” of this expansive area have blended into one universal cultural paradigm: the diverse range of peoples across the South American continent have often maintained important elements of their own personal cultures, while also adapting aspects of the wide-reaching regional cultural identity, possessing a multitude of languages, dialects, religious beliefs, and popular cultures aspects.

Given the multitude of cultural identities present across Latin America, there has been increasing concern about the preservation of cultures on the continent, particularly in light of the recent destruction and deterioration of Aztec and Mayan cultural heritage sights in the region. Furthermore, as the full effects of globalization continue to be realized and Latin American becomes an increasingly prosperous economic power on the world stage, there exists fears that the countries of the continent could become westernized, diluting their own cultures in the process. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy has therefore developed the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America with the aim of presenting to the world an original perspective on Latin America and its unique heritage, and will explore the potential of arts and culture to successfully support regional development.

Conference Location
Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during the Conference will include head of state and ministers, leading figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society, and the private sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants
Participation in the Conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

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