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ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014 (Прочитано 15909 раз)
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ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014
17.05.2014 :: 18:41:21

To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please click here.

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2014
"Applied Cultural Diplomacy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Best Practices & Future Strategies"
(Rome, Strasbourg, Brussels, Washington DC, Baltimore, NYC, Cetinje, Madrid, Berlin, London, Copenhagen) (April - September 2014)
The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy is now 7 years old and has become the world's largest event series in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The seventh Symposia will take place in 2014 and will include large-scale events that will take place in different major capital cities around the world in cooperation with governments, leading academic institutions and civil society organizations throughout the months of April - September 2014.
The 2014 symposia will focus on and explore best practices & future strategies for applied cultural diplomacy; and thus strengthen relations between states & communities and contribute to more just and harmonic relations between societies.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
“US Cultural Diplomacy in Practice:  Building Cultural Bridges to Strengthen the Relationships between America and the Global Community”
(Washington D.C. & New York City; June 23rd, 27th, 2014)

The Montenegro Symposium on International Law & Human Rights
"An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of International Law in Promoting Human Rights"   
(Cetinje, Montenegro; July 8th - 9th, 2014)

Madrid Symposium on Peace Building & Conflict Resolution
"The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & Global Political Discourse"
(Madrid, Spain; July 15th - 17th, 2014)

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Germany 2014
“Cultural Diplomacy in the German Public & Private Sectors”
(Berlin; July 29th – 31st, 2014)

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa 2014
“Building Economic Bridges to Enhance African Sustainable Development and Economic Growth" 
(Berlin; July 25th - 28th, 2014)

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK 2014
“Nation Branding in the Commonwealth of Nations”
(London; August 25th – 28th, 2014)

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE

To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please click here.


Organization for Youth Education & Development

Young Leaders' Forums
(Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars)
(Washington D.C. & New York City; June 23rd - 27th, 2014)

The OYED Young Leaders' Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the OYED Young Leaders' Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent, cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

•      Africa Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•      Nigeria Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•      Afghanistan Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•      Pakistan Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•      The USA Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders
•      Ethiopia Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE


Professional Development
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Next Programs Start: July 28th – August 8th, 2014)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, (of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational and professional development opportunities for individuals pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, related either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The CCDS programs are divided into the following categories: Distance Learning Courses, Professional Development Certificate Programs, and Degree Programs in Cultural Diplomacy.

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies developed the Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy in order to offer and provide participants with comprehensive, tailored learning opportunities in a number of related fields. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

•      International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy 
•      Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy 
•      Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation 
•      Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets
•      Cultural Diplomacy & the European-African Alliance
•      Weeklong Seminars in Cultural Diplomacy

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE


To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please click here.
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