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The 2013 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific (Прочитано 9199 раз)
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The 2013 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific
27.03.2013 :: 14:54:21
"South Pacific Relations: The Application of Cultural Diplomacy in Fostering Australasian Relations"
(Berlin; May 17th - 20th, 2013)

Symposium Overview
With the ever increasing significance of successful global and regional governance, the 2013 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific will focus on the challenges and opportunities that the South Pacific region faces as a potential regional power in the international community. In recognition of Australia’s role as a key power in the region, the conference will focus on how Australia, working in partnership with others in the region, can facilitate stable, cooperative initiatives in tackling the key challenges present in the area. Many of the Pacific islands are currently encountering several obstacles, such as underdevelopment, mismanagement of natural resources, lack of economic integration, and state instability, with the main challenges hindering successful Australasian relations requiring a deeper understanding and prompt action. Improving regional integration and cooperation would bring about vital benefits to the locality, such as increasing national and regional competitiveness, improving the quality of governance in the South Pacific region, and helping to achieve a convergence of key regulatory measures to ensure the promotion of interests and prosperity in the region.

Symposium Agenda
The overall aim of The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Australia will be to build on the close historic, economic, political, and geographic links that bind the countries in the South Pacific and encourage inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural discussions on salient issues in this region, thus promoting a greater understanding across national borders, while creating a unique international platform for developing the opportunities for cooperation in this region.

The Conference will focus in particular on the following areas:

    Trade and Investment
    Economic Development
    Regional Security and Stability
    Cultural and Indigenous Rights
    Health and Social Challenges
    Sustainable Development, Environmental Responsibility, and Climate Change
    Ocean & Fisheries Management

Participant Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013, and would therefore like to welcome conference participants to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the symposium. Following the conference, select papers will chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all governments and leaders of the international community following the Symposia.

Certificate of Attendance
All Conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the high-profile speakers who took part in the event, and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the vast ICD Advisory Board.

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