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International Symposium on Sustainable Development (Прочитано 5019 раз)
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International Symposium on Sustainable Development
18.05.2012 :: 16:37:21
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa 2012 - "Cultural Diplomacy & Sustainable Development in Africa"

Location: the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

Dates: July 25th-27th, 2012

Symposium Agenda
The International Symposium is an inter-disciplinary program of seminars, workshops, lectures and panel discussions featuring leading figures from the fields of economics, politics, academia, civil society and culture. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the goal of the program is to induce new momentum in the debate about the significance of Africa, and will focus on the theme:  Cultural Diplomacy & Sustainable Development in Africa.

Symposium Speakers
The program will consist of lectures, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, diplomacy, civil society and the private sector from across the world. 


The participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from diplomacy and politics, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other individuals with an active interest in the Program’s themes.
Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position. The ICD is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization and the Participation Cost goes towards the cost of developing and running the program. 

For more information please visit: icd-international-symposium-africa (dot) org
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